Already early this week you will see an occasional Perseid meteor gracing the sky, but next weekend the real show begins. The absolute peak of this year’s Perseids is favorable to observers in North America, and with no moonlight interference we are in for a real treat—provided you escape cloudy weather. I highly recommend “going mobile” if the weather forecast 24-48 hours before the peak night indicates less than ideal conditions at your location.
The Perseids this year are expected to peak Sunday night August 12/13. Highest observed rates will likely be between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Monday, August 13. Here’s a synopsis of the 2018 Perseids.
Aug 10/11
respectable activity
Aug 11/12
strong activity
Aug 12/13
very strong activity
Aug 13/14
strong activity
Aug 14/15
respectable activity