During the first half of 2021, I serendipitously captured six meteors on my telescope’s 17 x 11 arcminute video field of view while observing potential asteroid occultation events. I used the method described in There’s a Meteor in My Image to determine the radiant for each meteor. Here they are.
Each frame is an exposure of 0.13s
A sporadic meteor is any meteor that does not come from a known radiant.
Each frame is an exposure of 0.27s
Each frame is an exposure of 0.27s
Each frame is an exposure of 0.13s (meteor is fast and in upper right of field)
Each frame is an exposure of 0.13s
Each frame is an exposure of 0.27s
If you have trouble seeing any of these meteors, you may want to use the full-screen button at the lower-right-hand corner of each video.
International Meteor Organization, 2o21 Meteor Shower Calendar, Jürgen Rendtel, ed. https://www.imo.net/files/meteor-shower/cal2021.pdf.