A Real Martian Anomaly

Who cares about the Face on Mars?  It was just an interesting trick of light and shadow—a pareidolia.  Now comes a bona fide Martian mystery: pit craters (also known as skylights).  Pit craters are thought to be collapse pits into subsurface void spaces.  Cave entrances, in other worlds. ;o)

Here are a few:

(A) “Dena,” (B) “Chloe,” (C) “Wendy,” (D) “Annie,” (E) “Abby” (left) and “Nikki,” and (F) “Jeanne.” Arrows signify north and the direction of illumination.
Possible Skylight Near Elysium Region (141.317° E, 30.563° N)
Pit Crater near Elysium Mons (149.909° E, 23.210° N)
Very Large Pit Crater in Daedalia Planum (237.545° E, 19.474° S)
Possible Skylight Near Arsia Mons (237.837° E, 2.055° S)
Possible Cave on Arsia Mons (238.663° E, 6.355° S)
Pit Crater (239.549° E, 1.320° S)
Pit South of Arsia Mons (240.021° E, 13.851° S)
Incipient Pit Crater in the Arsia Chasmata (240.040° E, 6.518° S)
Pit Crater Chain South of Arsia Mons (240.051° E, 14.285° S)
Possible Skylight in Arsia Mons Region (240.326° E, 7.850° S)
A Pair of Small Pit Craters (240.907° E, 5.691° S)
Candidate Cavern Entrance Northeast of Arsia Mons (241.396° E, 5.532° S)
Possible Skylight on a Lava Tube Northeast of Arsia Mons (241.900° E, 2.272° S)
Dark Rimless Pits in Tharsis Region (247.549° E, 17.263° N)
A Giant Cave on a Giant Volcano (248.485° E, 3.735° N)
Pit on the Eastern Flank of Pavonis Mons (248.571° E, 0.457° S)
Pit or Cave in Tantalus Fossae (257.532° E, 35.030° N)
Collapse Pit in Tractus Fossae (259.359° E, 26.143° N)

Most of these features are of a volcanic, rather than impact, origin.  Both the Earth and the Moon have similar features, entrances to subsurface caverns and tunnels.  What wondrous discoveries await future explorers!

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